Have you or someone you know ever missed work due to an injury? In 2022, over 22,000 injuries in Alabama led to missed work, job restrictions, or job transfers, affecting the livelihoods of many workers and their families.

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) are among the most common of these injuries. Often caused by repetitive motions, awkward postures, or prolonged force, RSIs can lead to chronic pain and disrupt job performance and daily life.

If you’re experiencing persistent pain in your wrists, shoulders, or back, you might be dealing with an RSI without even realizing it. The Huntsville workers’ compensation lawyers at Tyler Mann Injury Lawyers can help you understand your rights and secure the benefits you need under Alabama’s workers’ compensation system.

Not sure if your condition qualifies? Let’s break down what RSIs are and how they might affect you.

What Are Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs)?

RSIs are a musculoskeletal disorder that affects muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons. Unlike injuries caused by a single traumatic event, RSIs develop gradually due to repetitive motions or sustained positions over time.

This disorder can affect various body parts, such as the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, and back. Have you noticed increasing discomfort or stiffness from repetitive tasks? This could be an early sign of an RSI.

Common types of RSIs:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A condition affecting up to 5% ofS. adults, caused by repetitive hand and wrist movements, commonly seen in office and assembly line workers.
  • Tendonitis: Inflammation of tendons caused by repetitive motion or overuse, common in jobs that involve lifting, reaching, or repetitive wrist movements.
  • Trigger Finger: A condition where a finger becomes stuck in a bent position due to repetitive gripping, common among workers who use tools or machinery.
  • Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursae (fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints) that commonly affects workers who frequently kneel, lift, or engage in tasks that put continuous pressure on specific joints.

How RSIs Develop in the Workplace

RSIs often develop from poor ergonomics, repetitive tasks, overexertion, or a lack of breaks. Repeating the same movements or remaining in awkward positions for extended periods strains the muscles, tendons, and nerves, leading to pain, weakness, and reduced mobility.

Do you frequently work in uncomfortable positions or repeat the same motions throughout the day? If so, these work habits could be contributing to an RSI. Here are some common workplace conditions that can lead to RSIs:

Task Description Impact on Workers
Repetitive Tasks Performing the same motions continuously without variation causes stress and strain on muscles and tendons. ●      Chronic pain in muscles and tendons

●      Loss of flexibility and strength

●      Difficulty performing daily tasks and long-term job limitations

Poor Posture Slouching, reaching awkwardly, or maintaining an uncomfortable position for long periods can contribute to RSIs. ●      Long-term spinal issues, such as herniated discs or nerve compression

●      Joint deterioration leading to arthritis

●      Persistent discomfort, making work and everyday activities challenging

Inadequate Rest Breaks Not taking regular breaks to stretch or change positions can lead to RSIs. ●      Prolonged recovery times and increased risk of chronic injury

●      Fatigue that leads to decreased productivity and increased errors

●      Long-term reduced mobility and inability to perform repetitive tasks

Overexertion Lifting heavy objects or using excessive force can lead to repetitive strain injuries, particularly when done repeatedly. ●      Chronic joint damage in the back, knees, and shoulders

●      Long-term weakness and susceptibility to re-injury

●      Potential for permanent disability affecting work and personal life

Improper Equipment Use Using non-ergonomic tools, keyboards, or machinery can increase the risk of RSIs. ●      Long-term nerve damage such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis

●      Inability to perform tasks requiring fine motor skills, leading to job change or reassignment

●      Continuous pain or discomfort even outside of work, affecting quality of life


Legal Rights Under Workers’ Compensation Laws

In Alabama, workers who suffer from RSIs due to their job duties are entitled to benefits under the state’s workers’ compensation system. As an injured worker, you have the following rights:

  • Full Medical Coverage: Workers’ compensation covers all necessary medical expenses related to your RSI. This includes doctor visits, physical therapy, surgeries, and prescription medications.
  • Wage Replacement: You are entitled to wage replacement benefits at 66⅔ of your average weekly pay if your RSI prevents you from working.
  • Disability Benefits: RSIs that impact your ability to work entitle you to disability benefits. Temporary benefits support you during recovery, while permanent benefits apply if the injury leads to lasting impairment and long-term work limitations.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation: If an injury prevents you from returning to your previous job, you may qualify for vocational rehabilitation. In Alabama, programs like the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) project or the Department of Rehabilitation Services help you retrain and develop new skills for a different job or career.

Why You Need a Huntsville Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Filing for workers’ compensation in Alabama can be challenging, especially when dealing with serious injuries like an RSI. Navigating the process alone often results in denied claims, delays, or receiving less compensation than you deserve. If you’ve tried to handle the workers’ comp process on your own and found it confusing or frustrating, we’re here to help.

Our team efficiently manages all paperwork, submits your claim promptly, and works diligently to secure the full benefits you are entitled to receive.

We also gather and submit crucial medical documentation to strengthen your case and pursue any necessary disability benefits. If your claim is denied, we guide you through the appeals process, protecting your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Protect Your Rights After an RSI

Repetitive strain injuries are a serious and often overlooked workplace hazard that can lead to long-term pain and disability. If you’ve developed an RSI due to your job, our workers’ compensation attorneys at Tyler Mann Injury Law can protect your right to fair financial support.

Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation to learn your rights and secure the benefits you deserve.