Dog bites can result in far more than just puncture wounds —they can lead to severe, potentially life-threatening complications. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 81 fatal dog attacks across the U.S. in 2021. Hundreds more victims suffer disfiguring injuries in dog attacks every year.

When a dog attack occurs because of a negligent owner, having an experienced Huntsville dog bite injury lawyer on your side can help protect your rights and maximize your chances of obtaining full compensation.

Infections from Dog Bites

One of the primary concerns after being bitten by a dog is the risk of developing a serious infection. Dog mouths harbor numerous bacteria that can cause problems if not properly treated, including:

  • Rabies: Dog bites and scratches are the cause of 99% of all human rabies cases. This viral infection affecting the brain and nerves is nearly always fatal once symptoms appear. Prompt treatment after exposure is essential.
  • Tetanus: Contracted through bacteria in animal bites or wounds, tetanus is a neuromuscular disease causing painful muscle spasms. Without treatment, it can be fatal.
  • Pasteurella: A common bacterium found in dog mouths causes red, swollen skin infections requiring antibiotic treatment. If left untreated, the infection can develop into necrotizing fasciitis, also known as “flesh-eating disease.”
  • Capnocytophaga: These bacteria can lead to serious complications like heart attacks, organ failure, and gangrene in those with weakened immune systems.
  • MRSA: An antibiotic-resistant staph infection that causes painful abscesses and potential blood infections, pneumonia, and sepsis. Like many of the others on this list, MRSA can be fatal if it goes untreated.

Even with minor bite wounds, it’s critical to clean the area thoroughly with soap and water, apply antibiotic ointment, and watch for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, fever, or increasing pain, that may require oral or IV antibiotics.

Long-Term Psychological Effects of a Dog Attack

The trauma of being attacked and seriously injured by a dog can have lasting emotional impacts as well. Victims may develop conditions such as:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event.
  • Cynophobia: This is an irrational fear of dogs, which can severely affect daily life, causing avoidance of places where dogs might be present.
  • General Anxiety and Depression: Victims may experience ongoing anxiety and depression, affecting their quality of life and relationships.

Therapy and counseling can be vital for recovery. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often effective in treating PTSD and other anxiety disorders related to dog attacks.

What to Do If You’re Bitten

If a dog bites you in Alabama, taking the proper steps is crucial and may help support your case:

  • Move to a safe location away from the dog and ensure someone calls emergency services if the injuries are serious.
  • Clean the wound thoroughly by applying pressure with a clean towel to stop bleeding, then wash with warm soap and water.
  • Seek medical attention. Even minor wounds require a tetanus shot if you haven’t had one in over five years. Antibiotics may be needed to prevent infection. Continue all medical treatment as advised, attend follow-up appointments, and monitor the wound closely for signs of continued bleeding, infection, or other complications.
  • Report the bite to local authorities and animal control. This will create an official record if rabies monitoring or action against the owner is needed.
  • Gather evidence such as photographs of the injuries, contact details of witnesses, and information about the dog’s owner.

Who’s Liable for Your Dog Bite Injury?

In most situations, Alabama’s dog bite statute, Section 3-6-1, imposes strict liability on dog owners. This means the owner is liable for all damages caused by their dog, regardless of prior knowledge of its aggressive tendencies. Strict liability applies to:

  • Unprovoked Attacks: The owner is fully liable for damages if the dog bites or injures someone without provocation on the owner’s property or while pursuing the victim off the property.
  • Legally Present Individuals: This includes people performing duties such as mail carriers, meter readers, or anyone invited onto the property by the owner.

However, there are some exceptions to strict liability:

  • Trespassing: If you were trespassing on private property when bitten, the owner might not be liable.
  • Provocation: If you provoked the dog, the owner’s liability might be reduced or eliminated.
  • “One-Bite” Rule (Limited Application): According to Alabama Code Section 3-6-3, in certain scenarios, particularly outside of the owner’s property, if the owner had no prior knowledge of the dog being dangerous, they might only be held liable for actual economic damages like medical bills.

Preventing Dog Bite Incidents

While dog owners are responsible for their pets’ behavior, using caution around dogs and being aware of potentially aggressive body language can help prevent attacks:

  • Never approach an unfamiliar dog, especially one unattended, barking, growling, or appearing aggressive.
  • If an unknown dog approaches you, remain motionless and avoid direct eye contact until the owner retrieves it.
  • When approached by a dog, avoid running or screaming, as this can trigger their predatory instincts.
  • Never disturb dogs that are sleeping, eating, or caring for puppies.
  • Be cautious around dogs you don’t know well, even if they initially seem friendly.
  • Children should be taught from an early age not to pet strange dogs without the owner’s permission and to report stray dogs to an adult.

Seek Justice for Your Alabama Dog Bite Injuries

Being attacked by a dog can have traumatic physical and emotional consequences that should not be downplayed. The Huntsville dog bites injury lawyers at Tyler Mann Injury Law have extensive experience holding negligent owners accountable and securing fair compensation for our clients.

From proving liability to calculating all medical costs, lost income, emotional trauma, scarring or disfigurement, and other damages, we’re relentless in pursuing the maximum financial recovery possible. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation to review the details of your attack and learn how we can protect your right to compensation.